Thursday, January 10, 2013

Zen Zen Zo Stomping Ground - Week 1 - part 2

Now it's today, not the other day. And it's still week 1. Each day holds it's own revelation and mystery. We're drawing to a close our time with the Le Coq and Suzuki training methods or pedagogies. I feel like I'm swimming and there's sunken treasure beneath me yet the deeper I swim the deeper it gets. However I'm enjoying the swim more than the allure of the treasure. Just knowing it's there is nice. And there's fish. Big metaphorical fish with awesome spots and masks and crazy techniques for swimming like a donkey. Because these fish like donkeys. So they decide to swim like them just because it puts them in touch with how much of a fish they actually are.
Got too deep on the metaphor.
Oh cool I made a pun. (deep? and swimming? and... yeah you got it...)
So my legs are toughening up, so is my core. It's good to be reminded of what your body can do.
Yet through all the strength training and focus and breath and voice and core and mask and feet and grounding... I was reminded today that you still have to be like water my friend. Like water. (Also there is today's poem beneath Bruce Lee being awesome).


Maybe we found our 6th sense in the internet.
You know... to look at cats. 
Or porn. 
Or old episodes of Thundercats. 
And then the porn remake.
...But I doubt it.
When our auras pulse,
feeding one another,
our 6th sense is in there.
Not reading minds,
but reading poems.
Not  the symmetry of the mountains,
but the jagged edges.
Not the joke itself,
but the laughter that follows it.
Our 6th sense is not a wizard's magic,
or telekinesis,
or seeing ghosts that look like Bruce Willis.
Or seeing Jesus in a piece of toast.
(Mmmmm... toasty Jesus).
Our 6th sense is 
laughing with our eyes,
jumping inside stillness,
grinning with masks on and
masking the silence with 
the sound of the planet spinning.
Our 6th sense is the space in between
our feet and the floor
our lungs and the breath
the stars and the sky.

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