Pic from: http://www.yaq.org.au/index.php/event/mad-scientist-tea-party-keith-armstrong-and-drew-titmarsh/
Over this past year I've had the delightful opportunity to host a series of workshops for scientists, yes REAL scientists, surrounding spoken word.
A spoken word artist facilitating scientists???
But they're like... doctors and stuff?!
They could save my life!
I can't operate on a person with a poem!
I can't discover a new planet through rhyme!"
Yep, that's what I thought when the lovely crew at The Edge brought this concept together.
You see, poetry was pretty boring to "general audiences" before poetry slam right? (Just run with me here, it's a black or white statement, and I can hear your argument against it already, but let's just leave the shades of grey for now...)
So the basic concept was to have a platform for science to be as exciting for an everyday audience as poetry slam is for an everyday audience.
You with me?
The workshops feed into an event called The Mad Scientists Tea Party, and over the past year I've seen scientists take audiences step by step through wrestling dugongs, talking to computers, using your own skin as art, naming new discoveries, black holes and transparent buildings (that don't need lighting other than the sun) PLUS what the universe is made of and how we're made of the same stuff.
It's been freakishly amazing, splendidly inspiring and one of the most fascinating events in Brisbane.
Each scientist, doctor, student, science based artist or general lover of sciency stuff has had 5 minutes - no powerpoint - to tell us what they do OR what they know OR just why they love science.
The event culminates in an industry pro sharing their passion for a 1/2 hour presentation - which has taken us to the world of flying foxes, science as art, the galaxy, new planets... To name a few.
Come along and check out why this event has been selling out pretty much all year.
And I promise you, you'll learn something you never knew you never knew.
The Edge Facebook
Mad Scientist Tea Party Event Brite
Rumour has it that, seeing as we've been discussing galaxies and worlds within, there might be a bit of a tangent into sci-fi, gaming, general geekdom and how worlds are created within our imaginations from a few speakers too...)
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